Tuesday 12 April 2016

The Big Apple

I haven't blogged for quite a while but really wanted to talk about my (fairly) recent trip to New York last September and to share some of the great photos I took while I was there.  I had always wanted to visit New York, it was my "dream" destination and so I decided I would save up and try to go to celebrate my 30th birthday.  Ok my birthday is in April and we didn't go until the September but hey it was the same year! So my bestie and I, Jon embarked on New York for 4 days and 4 nights and what a fabulous time we had!!
Just to clarify I didn't go with my hubby as he had no interest whatsoever of going.  I know, mad right??
One of the first things we did was go on a cruise round Manhattan which meant we saw the Statue of Liberty as well as the many bridges including the iconic Brooklyn Bridge.

We actually went to Time Square a couple of times while we were there, mainly because we loved it but also because it was literally round the corner from our hotel! Convenient!

We stayed in a mainly residential district of New York called Murray Hill which was surprisingly calm and subdued (in comparison to the rest of the city).  The hotel we stayed in is called the Shelburne which is on Lexington Avenue.  I would highly recommend the hotel.  It is in a great location, the room was spotless and last, but by no means least it has an amazing rooftop terrace and a FREE wine hour between 5pm and 6pm EVERYDAY for the hotel guests!! Seriously what more could you ask for!
The photos below, which were taken from the rooftop terrace, are of the Empire State Building, which we caught just as the sun was setting.

The blue, white and red lights represent the anniversary of 9/11
We decided to go up the Empire State Building on a night time thinking we would miss some of the crowds...how very wrong we were!  As it was the anniversary of 9/11 two beams of light were projected from the two plots where the Twin Towers used to be.  Obviously this only happens once a year and a lot of people wanted to capture it.  I have to say it was incredible and worth the wait to see.

 It was spectacular to see the city from up high...amazing!


Ok so I couldn't possibly do a blog post about New York and not mention the...breakfasts!! I would say to anyone even thinking about going to New York just to go for the amazing breakfasts.  I know it sounds bizarre and yes obviously there are lots of reasons to go to New York but you will know what I mean when you sample a New York breakfast.  Unlimited good coffee, amazing pancakes, scrummy eggs and wonderful steak (yes I said steak!)  We always went to little delis which were situated near our hotel.  The concierge at our hotel was great and directed us to a few in the area and we stumbled upon others. 

There are a lot of amazing and beautiful buildings in New York but my absolute favourite is the Chrysler Building with its art deco design.  It was on the same street as our hotel and it was wonderful to see it every time we walked past.  I took dozens of photos but picked a few of the best ones.

This is literally just a tiny snippet of what we did in New York and definitely a very small portion of photos that I took while I was there.  I actually took nearly 800 photos! Madness! But I do become a very typical tourist while I am away and especially in such an extraordinary place like New York.

I could waffle on and on about New York and show you every photo I took but I wanted to showcase some of my best photos of some of my favourite things to do and places to see. 

This was a once in a lifetime trip and it did not disappoint. 

P.S. Some photos of crochet/knitting in NY!



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