Thursday 16 July 2015

New hooky!

Well here I am...finally!  After thinking about starting a blog for a ridiculously long time I have jumped in.  I am hoping that by starting this blog I can get all my thoughts and ideas out of my head and hope that people enjoy what they read and see.
My main reason for starting this blog is my new found love for crocheting.  I started crocheting in March 2015 after my mam bought me and herself a hook, and I must say I have never looked back.  It was an amazing feeling when I FINALLY cracked the granny square all with the help of the lovely Bella Coco.  I admit I must of have watched her YouTube video at least a million times (ok slight exaggeration but it certainly felt like it) before something in my brain just...well clicked.
This was my first attempt which has you can see went slightly wrong in one of the corners but I can't tell you how happy I was to get this far!
My next square was perfect...I was ecstatic!

That was it, I was away...nothing could stop me and I actually got to the point when I didn't have to read the pattern OR watch the video. AMAZING! I knew what I was doing and I had created was incredibly satisfying.
I was addicted. Crochet was new hobby, my only hobby if you don't count bar hopping! ;)

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